Matthew &Amanda Hudson

Matthew is a poly minded man who has been involved with the polygyny community since 1991.  He has counseled couples and families for over twenty years, and occasionally accepts speaking engagements on the issues of marriage, marital structure, polygyny and leadership.

Amanda is newer to the community and holds a bachelors in Art.  She is enthusiastic, encouraging, and has been by her husbands side for over four years learning the ins and outs of the this lifestyle.

What is the poly solution? 

What is the poly solution?  A great number of things, actually.  I’ve been involved with polygyny since my wife approached me over 30 years ago and asked me to marry her friend.  I refused for good reasons, but it opened a door that’s inspired me to take a hard look at plural marriage, and I mean really really look at it.  As a result I’ve spent many years examining plural marriage from the good to the bad.  I’ve seen and met the big and small families.  I’ve seen outrageous successes and dismal failures.

Plural marriage is illegal in every state of the US.  So the families that make it into the news are not the thirty thousand living a peaceful life and telling everyone the wife’s sister came to visit and never left.  No the examples that make it to the media are there because the media thrives on drama.  No one wants to watch a peaceful family sitting at the kitchen table after dinner talking about their day in a round-robin manner.  They do not come to see kids getting a slap on the butt and laughing as they head to be where one of the wives will read them a story.  People want to see fighting, they go to the Garden to see two grown men beat the shit out of each other.  They come to the windows to see two women screaming at the top of their lungs over the latest outrage.  They come for the drama.

The drama is great, and can be entertaining.  But it’s not life.  It’s not real.  The producers are using two or three cameras and the editing department cuts the footage to make it even more dramatic… even going back and asking for re-takes. The actors in the “candid,” fight scene may take a whole day to film two minutes of drama. 

Plural marriage is real.  It’s solid.  It’s wonderful.  The women love it.  The kids are better off.  The men find themselves becoming strong and wise.  And everyone that knows them benefit from their experiences. 

There are three ways go being. Celibacy is one person being a person. Everything is about them, and their lives.  Monogamy is two people being one person. They, in a perfect world, work as a team to accomplish tasks and live life.  Polygyny is Family.  It’s all about family. The men must be leaders, and the women must be leaders. It’s a very real form of marriage where you work on it every day.

So what does this mean and what is this site about?

The Poly Solution is one of the most profound and effective solutions to our current society and it’s near collapse.  You may not see it yet, but some very smart people (including Jordan Peterson) are predicting it.  It is almost inevitable at this point.  The birth rate is lower than any time since 1930.  The marriage rate is also lower than any time since 1950.  There are so few children being born that the lack of employees you see right now was not started with COVID, COVID simply brought it to the forefront and in view.  To make this short, and it’s part of a course, there are not enough kids being born to fill the jobs we have, and every year those birth rates are getting smaller and smaller.  The National Library of Medicine reports that over 700,000 women get sterilized annually.  6.4 million women became pregnant in 2021, and nearly one million of those pregnancies resulted in abortion and quite a few ended in miscarriage. So adjusted numbers, we had 3.65 million new kids born in 2021. Seems like a lot, right?

3.4 million people died in 2021.

That means that in 2021, our population grew only 250,000 people.

That is not sustainable. Not with 700,000 women being sterilized every year.

This does not even touch on the family failure rates, the way kids are rejecting marriage and kids, and how many of our young are more interested in career than family.

After getting all of my facts straight, and looking at the overall problem, it’s come to me that there really is only one solution.  I need to bring my research into the light.  I need to help families grow strong, the families that remain. 

The website is divided into six parts.  Part one is where you are, now.  The Poly Solution.  In these pages you’ll find some facts, a little conversation, and some small direction.  It’s intended to be an entryway to the rest of the site.

Then there’s the poly mind.  This is for single men, married me, and men thinking of cheating.  It’ll help you make smarter choices, and teach you a few things about marriage, and leadership.

The ladies will enjoy The Poly Woman.  Not all women are poly minded, but much of the attitude about polygyny is tainted and muddy with more bad than good examples.  And ladies, participating in the site will not make you poly, it will make you better able to keep your marriage alive.

Then the website The Poly Wife is a social media site for women to come, talk, hang out, and meet.  It’ll have chatrooms, a form with everything from wound care to preparing food with fresh garden ingredients.  It’ll also be women only.

Then the Poly Husband.  Pretty much the same as the women’s social media site, but geared toward running a family, education, and self development.

Oh, and there’s going to be the Poly Connection.  My wife insisted.  Her site will be a personally vetted collection of women seeking families, and families seeking women.  It’ll also be social media oriented and is not going to be a dating site, but more of a mixer, Ice Cream Social style place to just chill out and see if the right person happens along.  To get into this, you’ll have to pass the courses.

So come on in, start your journey, and let’s see if we can make your life better.  And remember, Family First.