

This is a committed relationship between a man and a woman, that starts when he and she agree to marry and announce that to two or more people. It consists of an agreement on paper between the man and woman laying out the terms of the marriage, rights and responsibilities. There must be a designated leader of the family, and a designated leader of the Household. This differs from "Legal Marriage," where the marriage is a legally binding common law contract between two people where the ultimate leadership is granted to the state in which the couple reside.


Celibacy is defined in these pages as a person who chooses to not marry and live alone. I see the word as a noun, not an adjective. A celibate person does not seek an active relationship and would prefer to live alone. Many wealthy and influential people are celibate, even if they are married. They see marriage as an addition to the end goal, not as the goal itself. A celibate man will often marry for appearances sake and even love his wife, but she will always be second to himself and his goals in life. Almost all leaders, wealthy individuals and industry leaders are narcissistic/celibate.


Polygyny is two women choosing to follow one man and allow him to set the direction of the family. The women seeking this are often leaders and seek to enjoy personal goals, freedoms, and still enjoy family and children. To men, polygyny is being a strong leader, seeing the Big Picture. He is willing to direct and organize a household that is safe, secure, and fitting for the quality of women who seek him out. Polygyny is NOT monogamy with two women, nor is it a sexual relationship. Polygyny is a lifelong commitment. Some of the most famous people in history were polygynysts.

Foundational Family

Foundational family is a form of marriage that is negotiated. It contains the rules, the structure, and is binding on all parties. Foundational marriage will designate who will be the head of the family, and with that position comes a huge amount of responsibility. The Head of the Family will decide on places to live, the overall structure of the family, and the systems that the family uses. He sets the overall direction, and goals. The Head of the House decides on how to implement the structure. If he's the Captain, then she would be his XO, or First Officer. He has only what authority granted.


Leadership is leading those willing to follow you. Leadership is not about control but direction. Those that follow a leader have to know they are there of their own free will and be willing to accept command and follow. Leaders are built, they are constructed with the confidence of their followers. Leaders understand the overall picture, and leave the details on how to accomplish the tasks to those who follow them. Leadership is a lifelong learning event that never ends. The best leaders understand their followers, and understand when a command or direction will be followed or ignored.


Patriarchy is the highest status a man can have in a family. The power structure in a typical plural household is negotiated at the time the couple decide to marry. Generally the man is the head of the family and makes the larger decisions like where to live and where to work, as well as setting the overall rules of the family, maintaining and providing vehicles, and general defense of the household. The man establishes the household and prepares it for his future wife.
Generally the woman takes over as head of the household when the couple marry. In her Ketubah she negotiates her place, her authority, and her responsibilities. She cements her place in the house, and secures the safety and future of her children. If other women come into the house, they must negotiate with the man first, then the wife, for their place, authority and responsibility. Polygyny is not lust marriage, it's not puppy love, it's reasoned adults coming together for Family.
So what is patriarchy? A patriarch is simply the oldest man in the family.
A patriarch is a man who has married, raised children, and seen the next generation come into being. As the eldest, he has limited authority over the other men. He can set the direction of the entire family. This was established with the Elder system in Jewish History, where wisdom and experience was cherished, and the elders would give advice to younger men to ease their burdens and help them understand things they did not. But more than that, the Patriarch trusts those who are under his direction and doesn't get involved in day to day issues as much as he sets policy and overall goals, utilizing the strength of the family to accomplish tasks. Some say patriarchy is wrong, or a crime, or bad for women, but this could not be further from the truth. The Patriarch of a family seeks to protect the entire family and make it strong. His rule is voluntary, those that follow him do so willingly and without compulsion, and the entire family often revere him for his wisdom, strength, and knowledge. Without leadership, a family is nothing but the uncomfortable irrational controlled chaos of children playing "married."