
The Kitchen Table

The kitchen

If you have embraced traditional marriage, then you are the Head of the Household.  This would mean that everything in the home is under your control. This is a daunting task and one that polygyny makes much easier.  You have to grow in confidence, grow as a leader, and grow as a person.

It's Sanctuary

Your husband manages the Family, and you mange the House.  The Kitchen is sanctuary to many women, and so I named ours after that wonderful smelling room.  It’s your place to reflect on the difficulties of life, and how to navigate the complexities of running a household.

That is what we are here for.  We want to make a safe place for women to ask questions and get real answers.  To learn to manage a household in a safe, compassionate and even handed manner.

What we offer

The Poly Woman

The poly woman is for young women to explore traditional marriage and traditional households.  It’s not only for poly minded women, however, it’s also for any woman who wants to be a fantastic leader in her own household.  You will find lessons and education that will help you become a better wife, mother and leader.

The Poly Wife

The poly wife is a social media site that connects you to others of like mind.  It truly is the Kitchen Table, where you can discuss anything, talk about anything and get all the advice you could ever want.  Inside we have forums, chatrooms, and Q&A sections for information gathering and self development.  Website coming soon…

The Poly Connection

When you feel that you’re ready to expand your household and add another lady, or you’re a single lady who is seeking a family, the poly connection offers you that chance.  Unlike a dating site, the poly connection is invitation only is focused on helping you find the perfect addition to your family based on talents rather than beauty.

common questions

Generally it’s a woman who wants more out of life.  Polygyny offers some unique benefits for the right woman.  Imagine you love botany, but it takes a lot of your time.  In a poly marriage that’s not a problem  You can work long hours and find a place of delicious food waiting for you, along with another lady who will ask you how your day went, and a husband who will miss time away from you, but celebrate the time with you.

Not at all!  It’s about Family First.  Family, self development, studying, adventuring, hobbies… in a poly marriage you have a lot of free time you can use for your own personal adventures and to bring new excitement to the family.

I’ve never understood this question.  What would you be sharing?  Your home?  Would it not be better to have help with the laundry, or the dishes, or the cleaning?  How about sharing the time spent teaching the kids at home instead of a daycare?  You have a larger safety net for you and your family, you have more help, you have more time personally… and this is bad?

Poly families work that out individually, and generally it’s the women who set up the system.  Polygyny is not monogamy.  I’ve seen days of the week, I’ve seen everyone in one big bed as well as each person having their own bedroom.  Each family will work out the method before the marriage.  This is part of Foundational Marriage.

In a lot of ways, you’ll grow and mature in ways you never thought possible.  Because you have a strong leader and a Foundation, you’re more able to deal with issues and complications.  This leads to more self confidence, and self esteem.  Plus you have a large support network to call on in the event of an emergency.  Al in all, it’s a better life for the women, all around.

One of the first things I learned about plural marriage is that kids come first, and yet, they are well adjusted, better able to cope, and strong leaders in their own right.  Many of the kids I have known never saw the inside of a daycare, and if you put family first one of the women will take the classes needed to teach the children at home, for a better education more targeted for that child.

While this website is about Christian Marriage, it’s also about Marriage.  What I mean is that the lessons within the group are bible based, they are not doctrine based.  While you will find Christian groups, you’ll also find just about everyone else, as well.  We do draw some limits on the Poly Wife (female, married or seeking marriage) and the Poly Husband (male, married or seeking marriage) but do not require a statement of faith to join.

The catch is the Big Lie.  You can find out more about that one the Poly Woman, but basically the Big Lie assumes that woman are too stupid to walk and talk at the same time.  It also assumes that women are unable to make rational decisions or operate doorknobs.

Society and the Big Lie, for one.  There are more people in a family so if there’s no Foundational Marriage, then it can get uncomfortable because the wives don’t feel the sense of belonging that is so mandatory for marriage.  That is why we encourage everyone to take our Leadership Courses and Foundational Marriage Courses.

Submission is a military term defined as a leader submitting to another leader.  Imagine a Captain submitting to a general.  It implies that the woman is strong, talented, formidable, self confident and self assured, and that she wants to submit to a general who can use her skills to create something amazing.  This should be a source of pride in yourself, and your leader.

Men are the head of the Family.  Women are the head of the household.  No one can have two leaders, and no one should have to fight for what direction the household takes, or the family takes.  The Bible says that women are the head of the household, and men rule the family.  This is the basis of Foundational Marriage.

Marriage Foundations are literally contracts that you negotiate with your intended husband about every aspect of your married life.  It will cover who is in charge of what, and help you prevent the fighting that has destroyed so countless many marriages.  It’s easy to do, takes a day or two, and when it’s done it’s often written out and hung in a place of honor in the house.  You can find out more about this in the Poly Woman.